Red Dragonfly Productions


Michelle Wen Lee as Lady White Bone Photo by Mark Piggott www.markpiggottphotography.com

Victor Itang as Monkey, Harriet Sharmini Smithers and Sunjay Midda as Hunters Photo by Mark Piggott www.markpiggottphotography.com

UK Tour 2019, as part of Rotunda Theatre's Nomad Festival

Michelle Wen Lee as Lady White Bone Photo by Mark Piggott www.markpiggottphotography.com
and The White Bone Demon
Written and directed by Ross Ericson
Cast: Ainsleigh Barber, Ross Ericson, Victor Itang, Allan Law, Michelle Wen Lee, Sunjay Midda, Harriet Sharmini Smithers, Michelle Yim
Costume by: Elizabeth Cooke
Publicity photos by Mark Piggott Photography
Produced by Red Dragonfly and The Rotunda Theatre:
A fantastical play for the young, the old and pensionable.
Based on the stories from the Chinese classic 'Journey To The West' our tale finds our heroes – Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy and Tripitaka – in dangerous lands. Will they make it through, or will their continued squabbling see the band of friends fall apart and Tripitaka eaten by demons?
Performance schedule
Fri 5 July 2019 Rotunda Theatre at Buxton Fringe 7:30pm
Sat 6 July 2019 Rotunda Theatre at Buxton Fringe 3pm
Mon 8 July 2019 Rotunda Theatre at Buxton Fringe 7:30pm